
Dictionary didactics within a comprehensive dictionary culture. This article argues that the curricula of language and linguistics departments should include a component on lexicography. It is indicated that within a comprehensive dictionary culture, users need to be familiar with a variety of dictionary types and need to be able to execute a successful retrieval of information from the data on offer in dictionaries. A comprehensive dictionary culture has both general language and specialised dictionaries in its scope. Users need to be made aware of these dictionary types. Lexicographic training can be directed at three groups, namely dictionary users (who need to become familiar with dictionary using skills), future lexicographers (who need to master those aspects of meta-lexicography needed for the compilation of dictionaries) and future trainers of lexicography (who need a sound theoretical basis). The contents of a tertiary course in lexicography could commence with a broad context of the development of both the lexicographic practice and the theory of lexicography. A second focus could be on the contents, the different lexicographic tools, as well as the medium – printed or online format. Proposals are made for issues that could be discussed, regarding the treatment of meaning in monolingual and translation equivalents in bilingual dictionaries.


  • In sy lang loopbaan as akademikus het Wannie Carstens sy veelsydigheid duidelik laat blyk deur onder meer die balans wat hy deurgaans tussen navorsing, onderrig en akademiese bestuur, asook administrasie, kon handhaaf

  • Ongeag die medium van ’n woordeboek – gedruk óf digitaal – is daar altyd twee voorveronderstellings om sukses tydens woordeboekraadpleging te verseker: die gebruiker moet weet watter woordeboek om te gebruik en ook hoe om daardie woordeboek te gebruik

  • En ook in ’n groot deel van die navorsing oor die leksikografie, was op verskillende aspekte van die tipes taalkundige data gerig wat in woordeboeke aangebied word

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Read online: Scan this QR code with your smart phone or mobile device to read online. Dictionary didactics within a comprehensive dictionary culture. It is indicated that within a comprehensive dictionary culture, users need to be familiar with a variety of dictionary types and need to be able to execute a successful retrieval of information from the data on offer in dictionaries. A comprehensive dictionary culture has both general language and specialised dictionaries in its scope. Watter woordeboek om te gebruik en hoe om elke woordeboek te gebruik, staan sentraal in die breë onderwerp van woordeboekdidaktiek, en spesifiek die inhoud van leksikografiekurrikula, asook die onderrig van leksikografie en woordeboekgebruiksvaardighede. Dit is temas wat nie van die gebruik van woordeboeke in die onderrig van sowel taalkursusse as ander vakke geïsoleer behoort te word nie, want dit val binne die bestek van ’n breë en omvattende woordeboekkultuur

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