
The ovine population of the central Argentine territory is the result of constant introductions of different animal biotypes, which determined the existence of ovine populations with great variability. The main objective of the breeders is to produce a lamb for self-consumption and sale of surpluses, without considering the wool product. The production of a lamb for the market is compatible with the production of wool for the textile industry, having to evaluate the feasibility for the commercialization of lamb wool that they produce. This work aimed to provide information and tools to evaluate the quality of lamb’s wool and the evolution of the weight of lambs belonging to the native flocks of the area. Characterization of the productive systems was carried out, seeking to highlight the attributes of meat and wool of native lambs. The characteristics of wool and meat lamb product were evaluated under two treatments, either in free rage conditions or lambs supplemented under confinement. The analysis of the behaviour of the productive systems did not show significant differences between lamb biotypes, which allows affirming that the variation within an animal biotype is even more important than the expected one between biotypes. This indicates that both treatments can be used according to the particular situation of each productive unit. Therefore, it is possible to produce wool and meat of outstanding quality looking for the goodness of the wool produced and optimizing through proper handling practices the meat product.

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