
Statement of the problem. The study examines the anthroponyms that represent women in appearance, inferiority, speech and voice, character traits, temperament, culinary preferences, occupation, position, attitude to work, and their reflection in the dialectal picture of the world of the inhabitants of the small village of Vysoky Talovsky district of the Voronezh region In the process of work, the peculiar features and characteristics of the image of the fairer sex were determined, which are approved and disapproved in the village society. The appeal to the living folk speech, functioning in the mouths of the indigenous villagers, with the aim of studying with the subsequent preservation of linguistic materials, is relevant, since it contains modern information about a whole generation of people and their relationships in the team. Results. During the survey, 43 unofficial names were described, represented by 7 thematic groups. The most productive group has been identified - anthroponyms, data on a person's appearance, and the smallest - street naming for inferiority. It was revealed that 5 people have 2 nicknames, 1 woman is considered the owner of 4 nicknames, which she received for features of appearance and behavior. The names-metaphors, marking their carriers, have been established. They are represented by a multitude of emerging associations: with a dragonfly, a planet of the solar system, an installation for processing meat or fish, an ironing object, a river, a weapon, a bird, a poisonous plant, a supervisory institution, a rock band, etc. Functioning anthroponyms are expressed by nouns and adjectives, formed in two ways: suffix and base addition. With the help of the considered lexical units, an ideal female image with its inherent features is presented. The qualities of its antipode are demonstrated. Conclusion. The carried out research has determined the use in the folk language of the peculiar street names of women, which are part of the dialectal picture of the world of Vysochan. It is subject to certain conventional norms and rules, known only to local residents, developed by themselves for convenience in interpersonal communication. The reflection of the picture of the world through nicknames testifies to the rich vocabulary, imagination and fantasy of dialect carriers. It also reveals the state of the local dialect in our time - living, actively developing, original. The world of each and every one individually, naturalness and simplicity - such is the content of the picture of the world of a village man. The presented research supplements the few available works of Voronezh linguists-dialectologists and onomasts and contributes to the study of local anthroponymy.

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