
This research aims to describe the role of women in education on and utilization of rainwater to increase awareness and insight into water conservation in both the family and community environment. Women are faced with gender differences in the inclusion into the society. Nine respondents participated in this research which consisted of three female community members, three women residents, and three men residents around the Banyu Bening community, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The triangulation of data sources included the community leader, community members, and one of the participating families. The data analysis model used was from Miles and Huberman. The results showed that women played a very important role in the utilization and teaching on rainwater utilization. Women are the main pillars in the success of education and environmental management, especially at the family level. They are the most capable of providing teaching and developing environmental attitudes in their children and the community, and they are also the agents of change and teaching on sustainable environment.

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