
The primary purpose of women's micromanagement in private higher education institutions in the UK is to attempt to define micromanagement, examining the underlying factors, characteristics and outcomes of such micromanagement practices. This topic is essential for understanding the dynamics within private higher educational institutions and how gender-based management behaviours may influence various aspects of private higher education. A Systematic Literature Review (SLR) is a rigorous research methodology used to gather, analyse, and synthesise existing academic literature onWomen Micromanagement in Private Higher Education UK. We used a systematic and structured approach to identifying, selecting, and evaluating relevant studies on Women Micromanagement in Private Higher Education in the UK from various sources such as Google Scholar, ERIC, JSTOR, and Science Direct, including websites such as Higher Education Statistic Agency (HESA.) The findings of a systematic review of "Women Micromanagement in Private Higher Education in the UK” revealed several significant insights and patterns in the existing literature. The review uncovered a gender disparity in leadership roles generally and within private higher education institutions in the UK, particularly with women often occupying middle management positions while being underrepresented in top leadership roles. Literature also revealed that micromanagement could be good or bad; the negative side is that it drains productivity, inflicts fear, and includes excessive control, which is seen as demotivating. Micromanagement can be advantageous in certain short-term situations. It is not right to label women as micromanagers, and males could also be micromanagers. However, not all studies support the idea that women are more likely to micromanage. Keywords: Women (Gender), Leadership, Private Higher Education

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