
<p><em>This research is an effort to explain quranic values in collaborating and synergizing with the values of local wisdoms which influences social life paradigm. The main resources of this research are the thought of Bugis Muslim scholars in the Quranic exegesis which is in Bugis language. This exegesis was written by MUI of South Sulawesi consisting of 11 volumes. This study concerns on the interpretation of verses on women leadership which is then connected with the cultural values of Bugis society. Data on cultural values were collected through interview and observation. Bugis ulama tend to follow the perspective of Middle Eastern ulama regarding the issue of leadership in the domestic area, they argue that man is the leader. Meanwhile the cultural values ‘</em>sibaliperri, sipurepo’ indicate that husband and wife are partners in dealing with the family matters. In the public space, Bugis ulama agree with the Bugis culture in which they say that women have opportunities to handle various tasks either at an organization or community</p><p><em>.</em><strong></strong></p><p><strong><em></em></strong><em><br /></em></p>


  • This research is an effort to explain quranic values in collaborating and synergizing with the values of local wisdoms which influences social life paradigm

  • The main resources of this research are the thought of Bugis Muslim scholars in the Quranic exegesis which is in Bugis language

  • This exegesis was written by MUI of South Sulawesi consisting of 11 volumes

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Nur Huda Noor Analisis Kritis terhadap

Pemahaman Bias Gender dalam Ayat-Ayat Alquran (Noor, 2012) sebuah disertasi, juga secara spesifik menyorot posisi perempuan, namun terlihat masih bersandar pada kitab-kitab turats yang sudah ada sejak lama. Selain itu terdapat beberapa buku yang relevan antara lain karya Abbas Mahmud al-Aqqad, alMar’ah fi al-Qur’an memuat tentang hak dan tugas perempuan baik di dalam keluarga maupun di ranah publik (al-Aqqad, 1962 dan Ismail, 2003: 7). M. Rasyid Ridha melalui Nida’ al-Jins al-Lathif menyerukan kepada umat Islam umumnya dan kaum perempuan khususnya agar ia mengetahui hak-haknya dan bangkit dengan ilmu dalam rangka meraih hak-haknya sesuai petunjuk agama (Ridha, 1991). Aminah Wadud Muhsin dalam Qur’an and Women mengemukakan pentingnya analisis konsep perempuan dalam Alquran yang memuat prinsip keadilan sosial, persamaan (Mushsin, 1992). Tidak ditemukan tulisan yang membahas tentang kepemimpinan perempuan dalam Tafsir Berbahasa Bugis karya MUI Sulawesi Selatan, yaitu AG. Mukhtar Badawi (w. 1992 ) (MUI Sulawesi Selatan, I, 1988: ix dan Yusuf, 2010)

Metode Penelitian
Akar Polemik Kepemimpinan Perempuan
Kepemimpinan Perempuan Dalam Rumah Tangga
Daftar Pustaka
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