
Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem that results in impaired child growth. To reduce the prevalence of stunting, preventive action is needed, in this case in the form of maternal behavior in efforts to prevent stunting in the family. The Samarinda City Government is committed to carrying out integrated actions to accelerate the reduction in the number of stunting cases through the community development and empowerment program (Pro Bebaya) especially in rural areas. Awareness of farming households, especially women farmers, in taking action to prevent stunting is very important. This research aims to provide an overview of the behavior of women farmers as a form of awareness in efforts to prevent stunting in farming families through their knowledge about stunting, providing exclusive breast milk, complementary food, and a clean and healthy lifestyle (PHBS), attitudes and actions taken to prevent it. stunting which then creates awareness for preventing stunting in farming families. The design of this research is cross-sectional. The total sample of 59 was selected purposively, namely female farmers, and farmer's wives who have children aged 0-2 years) who are active in posyandu activities. The data analysis method used descriptive associative analysis and bivariate Spearman Rank Correlation. The results of the research show that there wasis a very weak and unidirectional correlation (-) between age, working status, and the number of children in women farmers' awareness of preventive action against stunting, while the relationship was very weak in the same direction (+) only with the education factor. The relationship between knowledge, attitudes, and stunting prevention actions on women farmers' awareness of preventive actions showed a strong and significant correlation at 0.01.

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