
Education has always been a foundation for social development and it'll be essential for the knowledge of the 21st century. Every issue that our society faces is kind of a link of a sequence. Lack of Education and illiteracy is that the mother of all issues because it gives birth, to many other issues like poverty, unemployment, child labor, population burst and much of more. Education in India could even be a key of social progress. Education of women is critical not only on grounds of social justice but also it accelerates social information. Level of literacy and academic attainment are important indicators of development of any given society which we cannot exclude women within the event of any society as they contribute about half the humanity. Reflecting into the “Vedas Purana” of Indians cultures, women’s are being worship like Laxmi Maa goddess of wealth, Saraswati Maa for wisdoms, Durga Maa for powers. Literacy and proper education could also be a game changer within the trouble to advance women’s standing within the Third World in women and literacy. “It is impossible to believe the welfare of the world unless the condition of the ladies improves. It’s impossible for a bird to fly only one wing” (Vivekanand). This study mainly specializes in the women’s status in educational field with reference to Assam.

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