
The manuscript of the Sermon Book of Wolfenbüttel (1573) is the oldest known Lithuanian handwritten book (299 fol. 2°) and one of the largest and most important texts in the early modern history of Lithuanian. Further­more it is a significant document of Lithuanian church and cultural history. This sermon book, consisting of sermons for an entire liturgic year, testifies the sprea­ding of Reformation ideas and writings in the Lithua­nian language area. The sermons were collected from at least ten sermon books, namely from the Postillae of Nicolaus Hemmingius, Antonius Corvinus, Johannes Spangenberg, Martin Luther, Philipp Melanchthon, Jo­hannes Brenz, Leonhard Culmann, Arsatius Seehofer, Jodocus Willichius and Daniel Greser. Methodological­ly the translation is typical for the 16th century. Literally translated excerpts are followed by originally written parts, or translations from other sources are included. The Lithuanian translation is selective and paradigma­tic. In many cases an (anonymous) translator takes the Latin text as a pattern according to which he creates his own sermon,or he writes an original sermon in which he includes some translated chapters. The translation is often supplemented with numerous quotations. This article deals only with part of them, in particular with those from classical authors as well as with explicit Latin citations.


  • The manuscript of the Sermon Book of Wolfenbüttel (1573) is the oldest known Lithuanian handwritten book (299 fol. 2°) and one of the largest and most important texts in the early modern history of Lithuanian. It is a significant document of Lithuanian church and cultural history

  • Universität Frankfurt am Main Fach 171, Postfach 11 19 32 D-60054 Frankfurt am Main Deutschland

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Jolanta Gelumbeckaitė

Vadinamoji Wolfenbüttelio postilė (toliau – WP) yra seniausia žinoma lietuviška rankraštinė knyga, 1573 metais parengtas ir 1574 metais puošniai įrištas neišlikusio pirminio teksto (ar tekstų) nuorašas. 49v25–55r26), kuris yra kompiliacinis vertimas pagal atitinkamus Spangenbergo (SpP 1553, I 52v– 58v) ir Hemmingseno (HP 1562, 93–104) pamokslus, aiškinant Trijų Karalių įvardijimus persų, hebrajų, graikų ir lotynų kalbose (magi, scribae, philosophi, sapientes), nurodomas Strabonas Thebanai tada |[10] ∻ ßmanes anas karalistes, uß tụ ia gieriben | saw daramụ, ir anụ karalisten iam padawe, Jr | karalenị wardu Jocastam uß materị iam dawe, | teip tada ghis neßinadams tikruiụ matenị sawā | uß materị saw paieme, Jr kada teip ia tas |[15] grekas ßinamas iam tape, a rege a wissụ ka=|ralistụ teip sunkei a smarkei nog mara wargi=|namụ, del sawa greka pradesti saw dumati ape | didighi kerschtụ a rustiben pana Diewa, bet nitʒ | neka neprimindams saw ape didesnị malanen a |[20] sussimilimụ ia, kuri didesne ira a nekaip grekai | musụ, Toiau tada ischtakias dumas impole ing | nussiminimụ, isch kura nussiminima pirmiausei | ischplesche augu ischdreske saw akis, patam teip san=|ßinas grekụ slegimas spaudʒiamas a sunkinamas |[25] teip isch didʒia smutka ia ßirdes, kas iam bua isch | ta nussiminima, isch didʒia dusawima a kwepa=|wima ßirdes, ßaukdams didei liepe idant sta=|winteghi apsukui ghị angu prig ia, atstatu nog ia | Jdant ieib ir ßeßelis ia gieremus neischkaditun. Mater Iocasta peccati conscientia impatiens doloris, mox ubi innotuit culpa, sibi uitam laqueo finiuit: Adeò horrendum & foedum malum est peccatum, quando homo illud cordis oculis uerè intuetur

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