
We study observation entropy (OE) for the quantum kicked top model, whose classical counterpart possesses different phases: regular, mixed, or chaotic, depending on the strength of the kicking parameter. We show that OE grows logarithmically with coarse-graining length beyond a critical value in the regular phase, while OE growth is much faster in the chaotic regime. In the dynamics, we demonstrate that the short-time growth rate of OE acts as a measure of the chaoticity in the system, and we compare our results with out-of-time-ordered correlators (OTOC). Moreover, we show that in the deep quantum regime, the results obtained from OE are much more robust compared to OTOC results. Finally, we also investigate the long-time behavior of OE to distinguish between saddle-point scrambling and true chaos, where the former shows large persistent fluctuations compared to the latter.

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