
Abstract The fast increment in the volume of information created from associated gadgets is cloud network. The worldview opens up additional opportunities for improving the nature of administration for the rising applications through information sharing. In any case, security and protection concerns (e.g, information leakage) are significant deterrents for information suppliers to share their information in remote systems. The leakage of private information can prompt significant issues that lead to related misfortune for the suppliers. We first plan a data enabled secure information sharing engineering for dispersed various gatherings. At that point, we define the information sharing issue by consolidating security protected combined learning. The protection of information is all around kept up by sharing the information model as opposed to uncovering the real information. Numerical outcomes got from genuine world datasets show that the proposed information sharing plan accomplishes great exactness, high productivity, and upgraded security. We focus on seeking a solution that allows secure and effective access to the cloud data. In addition to ensuring strong data sharing security, the policy succeeds in preserving the privacy of cloud users. Security analysis indicates that the proposed policy is secured and enforces fine-grained access control and full collusion resistance simultaneously.

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