
Abstract In this network environment, the different applications of sensor have to generate a huge data traffic which includes basic sensing methods such as air pollution or environment checking. In this huge congested network, the two-standard objective methods, that are objective method 0 (OM0) and objective method 1 OM1 for Congested Networks that has to perform deprived routing paths by picking an already congested parental node and a greater number of retransmissions happened between the networks. So, it is required that to design a new effective Routing Protocol for various congested environments. In our paper, I observe the RPL protocol for various congested networks and developed a new routing protocol technique (QWL-RPL) related with information of queue and node-wise workload. Objective of our developed Routing protocol has to attain an Optimum shortest path in challengeable performance. Our proposed Objective method has to consider connectivity capacity and also representing status of congestion in particular node or device using information of queue in data or packet. Our proposed routing technique was implemented in Cooja environment for comparing with the existing techniques. The results of simulation are shown through Queue status information and balanced Workload routing protocol of RPL that can reduce the data traffic of a various networks as related with OM0 and OM1, exactly specified terms of average delay, ratio of packets transmission and reception, jitter delay and header overhead information. At last, the results shown as on average, 30%–50% reduced header overhead information, 15%–30% reduced in average throughput delay, 10%–30% improvement in PRR and 25%–40% reduced in jitter delay.

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