
Swallowing is the process, which plays a important role in the digestive system. Swallowing can be smooth as well as little harsh too it depends on the type of food or fluids consumed. The difficulty in the swallowing disorders called as the dysphasia. The two important muscles which helps in swallowing are submantel and infrahyoid muscles. The submantel muscle is located between mylohyoid muscle on the superior side and platysma muscle on the inferior side. The submantel muscle potential giving a key point to analyze the swallowing disorders. This proposed study explained about the relation between the electromyography signals with respect to the age. To pick up the muscle signals the, four different swallowing patterns are induced, for three different age groups. The Group I 18–40 years, Group II 40 – 60 years and Group III 60 and above years were taken. The EMG module and the Ag/AgCl electrodes are used to pick up the electromyography signals. Two Ag/AgCl electrode has placed on the submantel muscle and a reference electrode is placed on the collar bone. The muscle potential signals has been recorded using the NI-DAQ acquisition system for different swallowing patterns i.e. dry swallowing, 16 ml, 20 ml and 100 ml. This study concludes that, as age increases the submantel muscle potential will be decreases.

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