
Breast Cancer is a menacing disease and is commonly seen in women. Based on the severity, breast cancer is classified into duplet variants. One is Benign type of breast cancer, which can be detected at early stages and can be cured with the help of medication. Other is Malignant type of breast cancer, which shows severe affect and might lead to death. To detect breast cancer at early stages, wide variety of algorithm techniques are used such as Navie Bayes, Convolution Neural Network, KNN, adaptive voting ensemble machine learning algorithm and so on. Most latest algorithm that is under practice is adaptive voting ensemble machine learning algorithm. In this algorithm, Wisconsin Breast Cancer dataset and CNN algorithm is used to classify images and for object detection. But the major drawback of ensemble machine learning algorithm is lack of accuracy. It is proved that Neutral Network works more effective on humans mostly in analyzing data and to perform pre-diagnosis without medical knowledge. In this paper, we propose Random Forest Classifier algorithm to achieve more accuracy.

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