
The article Saint images painted on tin contains the description of retablo painting in Mexico. This genuine branch of Mexican folk art ultimately widely recognized by many specialists of Mexican art now can be found in many art galleries and museums around Mexico and the United States. The author focuses on the retablos santos and retablos ex-votos giving the wide description of these two types of Mexian retablos. The text is accompanied by the wild bibliography, pictures and observation from the field research. The retablo painting flourished in 19th century mainly in the central states of Mexico and there are known two types of it: retablos santos and retablos ex-votos known as milagros. This object of a private devotion with the images of saints or the Holy Family, were very popular in the turn of the 19th and the 20th century. Naïve artist presented in their works their love for the decorative ornaments trying to obtain grand manner effect. Rules of anatomy and perspective were rather unknown to the artist and persons or articles portrayed were reduced to the simple shapes. Retablo paintings were widely common till the beginning of the 20th century when sacred pictures printed on paper replaced them and the coloured lithographs appeared on the market. Contrary to the retablos santos, ex-votos still are present in the in the religious space of its believers. Mexican milagros tell the unusual stories of their donors who being grateful for the received mercies give thanks to la Virgen de Guadalupe, Santo Niño de Atocha or some saint. The contemporary votive painting still remain its traditional form dived in two parts: painted part which includes a „mirackle-maker” and a scene, and a written one which is text describing the scene and a miracle received. Ex-votos, contrary to retablos santos, are a very fine example of direct relation between people and supernatural powers. Having been a very important source of people’s religious sensitivity, they give a true visible testimony of faith and gratitude for the received miracles. They have their autonomous force of expressing human emotions.

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