
The substantial increase in global population and climate change, among other factors, have led to global food security and supply chain challenges. The United Nations has laid out an agenda to sustainably achieve zero hunger by 2030 as one of its sustainable development goals. However, sustainably achieving improved food yield has become a challenge as excessive use of fertilizers has also led to adverse environmental impact. To address the aforementioned challenges, WisDM Green, an artificial intelligence (AI)‐based platform that aims to pinpoint and prioritize compound (e.g., biostimulants) combinations in peat moss, is harnessed to sustainably improve the yield of Amaranthus cruentus (red spinach). In this proof‐of‐concept study, from a pool of eight compounds, WisDM Green‐pinpointed combinations (6‐benzylaminopurine/ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid iron (III) (6‐BAP/EDTA‐Fe) and humic acid/seaweed extract (HA/SWE)) achieved 26.34 ± 15.80 and 33.59 ± 14.60 increase in %Yield, respectively. The study also indicates that compound combinations may exhibit concentration‐dependent synergies and thus, properly adjusting the concentration ratios of combinations may further improve plant yield in the context of sustainable farming. An interactive preprint version of the article can be found at: https://www.authorea.com/doi/full/10.22541/au.165244695.56681780.

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