长江及其中下游湖泊湿地组成了独特的江-河复合型生态系统,孕育了极高的生物多样性,是全球生物多样性研究的热点区域之一.该区域是东亚-澳大利西亚迁徙通道上最重要的水鸟越冬地之一,每年冬季有超过百万只水鸟在此越冬,因此,分析相关因素对越冬水鸟多样性的影响对维持其越冬安全具有重要意义.然而,目前相关研究多集中在如鄱阳湖、洞庭湖、升金湖等部分国家级保护区内,对经济较发达的江苏省沿江区域湖泊湿地水鸟多样性的研究仍不多见.本研究选择江苏长江沿江10处代表性湖泊湿地,于2018—2020年冬开展越冬水鸟调查,同时结合环境和人为因素,分析其对区域越冬水鸟多样性的影响.3次调查共记录到越冬水鸟42种109998只,隶属于6目9科.按地理区系划分,古北界16种,广布种15种,古北界-东洋界9种,东洋界2种;按生态类群划分,有游禽22种,涉禽20种.在10处湖泊湿地中,石臼湖水鸟物种数和数量均最多,金牛湖水鸟物种数和数量均为最低;Shannon-Wiener和Inverse-Simpson多样性指数最高的为石臼湖,最低分别为长荡湖和昆承湖.β多样性结果表明石臼湖水鸟群落与其它湿地相似性最低,长荡湖次之.β多样性分解分析结果显示,区域β多样性主要形成机制为物种替换.石臼湖对区域β多样性的相对贡献显著高于其它湖泊湿地,其次是长荡湖,相对贡献最低的是尚湖.线性模型结果表明:越冬水鸟丰富度与湿地总面积呈正相关,与缓冲区植被和水体面积呈负相关.人均GDP与越冬水鸟丰富度呈显著负相关.越冬水鸟物种数与湖泊湿地面积呈正相关,与人均GDP呈负相关.水鸟多样性指数受面积和人均GDP影响均不显著.江苏沿江地区是我国经济最发达的区域之一,对其越冬水鸟多样性及其影响因素开展研究进而提出相关保护建议,如持续开展越冬水鸟监测,及时发现保护空缺,提高对湿地周边区域土地利用状况的关注度等.本研究结果不仅为本地区越冬水鸟保护工作提供依据,同时也为上游经济相对薄弱但发展较快的地区开展相关保护工作提供参照.;The Yangtze River and its floodplain are unique for the extensive wetlands, recharged by summer monsoonal precipitation, laden with nutrients and sediment. It's the largest amount of shallow and seasonal flooded wetlands in the world, providing ecosystem services to tens of millions of people. The wetlands also support globally significant numbers of wintering waterbirds. Every year, more than 1 million waterbirds spend winter here. It is critical to understand the effects of different variables on wintering waterbirds diversity. So far, most of the research were focused on some National Nature Reserves, e.g. Lake Poyang, Lake Dongting and Lake Shengjin. The researches concerning wintering waterbirds diversity on lake wetlands located in the Lower Yangtze River floodplain in Jiangsu Province are still limited, where the economic is relatively developed. In this study, we systematically surveyed 10 representative wetlands along the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province from 2018 to 2020 and then analyzed the effect of ecological and anthropogenic factors on waterbird abundance, species richness and diversities. In total, 109998 waterbird of 42 species were recorded, belonging to 6 orders and 9 families. Of them, 22 species are Natatores and the others are all Waders. In terms of the biogeographic distribution, 16 species belong to Paleartics, 15 species are wide distributive species, 9 species belong to Paleartics-Oriental, and 2 species belong to Oriental. Among the 10 lake wetlands, Lake Shijiu has the highest Shannon-Wiener and Inverse-Simpson diversity index, and the lowest are Lake Changdang and Lake Kuncheng respectively. In addition, the community composition dissimilarity (β diversity) between Lake Shijiu and the other lakes are the highest, following by Lake Changdang. Results of the decomposition of β diversity suggested that species replacement was the main process influencing regional β diversity. Lake Shijiu had a significant higher relative contribution to regional β diversity, followed by Lake Changdang, while Lake Shanghu had the lowest relative contribution. Wintering waterbird abundance positively correlated with total area of wetlands but negatively affected by vegetation area and water area in the buffer area, as well as the effect of per capita GDP. Number of wintering bird species positively correlated with total area of lake wetlands but negatively affected by per capita GDP. Area had no effects on both Shannon-Wiener and Inverse-Simpson indices. As one of the most developed areas in China, unveiling the effects of different variables on wintering waterbirds diversity may not only offer practical conservation measures for this area, for example, carrying out continuous waterbird monitoring projects, detecting conservation gaps and playing close attention on landscape changes of surrounding area, but also provide a good sample for the conservation work in up-stream areas of the Yangtze River where the economic is ongoing developing.
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