The fluctuations in power output from wind farms display significantly reduced spectra compared to single wind turbines due to power smoothing and averaging. In order to better understand these spectral features and to relate them to properties of turbulent boundary layers, we perform a wind tunnel experiment in which we measure spatio-temporal characteristics of an experimental surrogate of the power output from a micro wind farm with 100 porous disk models. The experimental results show that the frequency spectrum of the total wind farm power follows a power law with a slope between $-5/3$ and $-2$, and up to lower frequencies than seen for any individual turbine model. In agreement with previous studies in the literature, peaks in the spectrum are observed at frequencies corresponding to the mean flow convection time between consecutive turbines. In the current work we interpret the sum of power extraction from an array of turbines as a discrete spatial filtering of a turbulent boundary layer and derive the associated transfer function. We apply it to an existing model for the wavenumber–frequency spectrum of turbulent boundary layers. This approach allows us to verify the individual roles of Doppler shift and broadening of frequencies on the resulting spatially sampled frequency spectrum. Comparison with the wind tunnel data confirms that the approach captures and explains the main features in the spectrum, indicating the crucial role of the interaction between the spatial sampling and the space–time correlations inherently present in the flow. The frequency spectrum of the aggregated power from a wind farm thus depends on both the spectrum of the incoming turbulence and its modulation by the spatial distribution of turbines in the boundary layer flow.
Wind energy is characterized by inherent variability
The power output of a wind turbine Pi(t) is generated by the forces acting on the blades as they sweep through the flow field
The manipulation of the wind farm frequency spectrum by the sparse sampling of the turbulent boundary layer can be better understood by considering the simplified transfer function for a single streamwise column of wind turbines
Wind energy is characterized by inherent variability. When wind farms are connected to an electricity grid, the power fluctuations need to be compensated by, e.g. ancillary power generators (Apt 2007) or wind farm control (Shapiro et al 2016). Apt (2007) analysed the spectrum of the power, aggregated over six turbines, and observed a power-law behaviour with a f −5/3 scaling over four orders of magnitude in frequency This observation raised the question of the relation between the spectrum and the scaling of the velocity fluctuations in the boundary layer, which follow a f −5/3 spectrum over a similar range of scales (Larsén, Larsen & Petersen 2016).
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