
Storstmm County and A & B Backlund ApS have been co-operating in a project collectingexperiences and making investigations regarding the oldest evapotranspiration bed withoutoutlet in Denmark situated in Storstmm County. Results from the project Danish EPA M226-0025 "EXPERIENCES AND EXAMINATIONS FROM A EVAPOTRANSTIRATION BEDWITHOUT DISCHARGE AT TAPPERN0JE" are presented in this paper. The bed hasworked very stable since 1992. A water balance has been calculated estimating theevapotranspiration of the bed. Contents of nutrients in the wastewater and nutrients, heavymetal and organic compounds in the soil have been analysed. Steam production of thewillows has been estimated. A & B Backlund ApS is engaged in further development of thesystems.A small part ofan international project FAIR5-CT97-3947 (1998-2002) "BIOMASS SHORTROTATION WILLOW COPPICE FERTILISED WITH NUTRIENT FROM MUNICIPALWASTEWATER (BWCW) is dedicated fertilising willows with human urine mixtures. Theexperiences has up to now been very positive and efforts are made to prolong the project andestablish further demonstration projects.Willow evapotranspiration beds, willow vegetation filter, wastewater treatment, human urinefertiliser, no-mixing toilets, diverting toilets, separation toilets, ecological engineering,ecological sanitation

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