
In today’s world about 2.4billion people from urban and rural areas do not have suitable access to sanitation services. In upcoming 20 years, it is estimated that a surplus of 2 billion will get migrated to urban areas, probably in developing countries, necessitating sanitation. Still greater than 90% of sewage in developing countries is discharged unprocessed polluting water bodies. Traditional sanitation ideas are neither ecofriendly nor cost-effective for developing countries. Ecological Sanitation (EcoSan) is a sanitation system having a cycle of sustainable closed-loop system, which winds up the breach between sanitation and agriculture. The EcoSan technique is resource minded and characterize a universal approach towards ecofriendly and economically healthy sanitation. The primary goal is to close water and nutrient cycle with minimum expenses on energy and material to subsidize a sustainable development. Human excreta is treated as resource and are generally handled on-site and treated off-site. The nutrient contents in excreta are reutilized by using them in agriculture. EcoSan is a complete methodology. Single practices are only measures to termination and may range from near-natural wastewater treatment techniques to compost toilets, uncomplicated domestic installations to complex, mainly decentralized systems. These technologies are not ecofriendly but only in relation with witnessed environment. They are chosen from complete range of available conventional, traditional and modern techniques merging them to EcoSan system.

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