
South-China Sea has been gradually becoming a place of collision of the USA as an acting global hegemon and growing China. Beijing is strongly interested in controlling this area for the purposes of national security as Washington intends to enhance its influence and containing Chinese expansionism. Both parties freely manipulate with the International law and simultaneuosly raise miltary activity within the South-Easat Asia that can cause a seruos conflict. Nevertheless, two contemporary centers of power likely to sustain complex interdependence relationship than start a global confrontation. Brand new vision of coercion is inspired by messian Belt and Road Initiative backing mostly on sealanes control. South-China Sea has been becoming vitally importatnt for China as it is a hub of international communications. The better Beijing controls mare nostrum the more stable its political system is. Respectively, Washington benefits from unstability in SCS for preventing sinization of the entire East Asia. Moreover, in the case of deteriorating bilateral ties America should be ready for implementation “geo-economic stranglehold“ strategy aimed to destroy the rival. South-East Asian nations do not tend to participate in the Great Game directly and choose ad hoc ally strategy as they are totally unable to form an Anti-China coalition. An attempt to resolve the dispute on the principle of international law factually failed – China doesn’t acknowledge Tribunal decision and recommendations but continues expansionist policy as well. The only positive moment can be found in introducing new negotiation positions among pretending ASEAN members – all the tensions are to be mitigated by investments and priveleges. This “smart power” instrument is able gradually to bring China a victory.


  • South-China Sea has been gradually becoming a place of collision of the USA

  • Beijing is strongly interested in controlling this area for the purposes of national security

  • Both parties freely manipulate with the International law

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Станет ли Южно-Китайское море китайским mare nostrum? Военно-стратегический и внешнеполитический аспект территориальных претензий Китая в Южно-Китайском море. Южно-Китайское море постепенно становится ареной столкновения глобального гегемона – США и растущего Китая. Между тем два центра силы находятся сегодня скорее в состоянии комплексной взаимозависимости, чем глобальной конфронтации. Южно-Китайское море становится жизненно важным для КНР, так как через него осуществляются ключевые коммуникации с внешним миром. Насколько Пекин преуспеет в том, чтобы сделать ЮКМ mare nostrum, настолько устойчивой будет политическая система страны. В случае ухудшения двусторонних отношений Америка должна быть в состоянии реализовать стратегию «геоэкономического удушения» для устранения соперника. Государства ЮВА не склонны напрямую участвовать в «большой игре» и выбирают союзника скорее ad hoc исходя из принципа выгоды, сформировать какого-либо антикитайского противовеса они не в состоянии.

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