
For the protection of endangered species and successful wildlife population monitoring, wild animal recognition is essential. While deep learning models like YOLOv5 have shown promise in real-time object recognition, their practical applicability may be constrained by their high processing requirements. In this paper, we suggest a faster and lighter version of YOLOv5s for wild animal recognition. To lower computational costs for model parameters and floating-point operations (FLOPs) for the backbone, our suggested model includes Mobile Bottleneck Block modules and an improved StemBlock. We also use Focal-EIoU as a loss function to gauge the accuracy of the predicted bounding boxes during inference and employ a BiFPN-based neck. We tested our technique on three datasets, including Wild Animal Facing Extinction, Fishmarket, and MS COCO 2017. Additionally, our technique is compared with state-of-the-art deep learning models, and from the baseline model we recorded a 17.65% increase in FPS, 28.55% model parameters reduction, and 50.92% in FLOPs reduction. Furthermore, our model has a faster model loading time, which is critical for deployment in remote areas. This enables real-time species recognition on basic hardware, aiding conservation efforts through rapid analysis. The model advances deep learning in ecology by balancing efficiency with performance.

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