
The ~12,000 km2 Inukjuak Domain in northern Québec is part of the Archean Minto Block in the northwestern Superior Province of Canada. Eoarchean (ca. >3800–3780 Ma) rocks of the Nuvvuagittuq supracrustal belt (NSB) are the best known occurrence of otherwise abundant <1 m to km-scale supracrustal enclaves dispersed throughout the Innuksuac Complex. The supracrustals are dominantly amphibolites, with subordinate intermediate-, mafic- and ultramafic schists, quartzo-feldspathic (trondhjemitic and granodioritic) sills, dikes and sheets, banded iron-formations and quartz-pyroxene±magnetite rocks, and (detrital) fuchsitic quartzites. Supracrustal assemblages are in turn hosted by variably deformed granite-granitoid gneisses metamorphosed to amphibolite facies. Locally, retrogression is expressed as pervasive chloritization and development of jaspilite box veinings. This metamorphic history precludes preservation of original fragile microfossil shapes. Despite its importance as one of the few terranes to host Eoarchean supracrustal assemblages, limited geochronology was previously available for rocks beyond the ~8 km2 NSB. Here, we report new major-, minor-, and trace-element geochemistry and metamorphic petrology coupled with UPb zircon geochronology, from rocks within and surrounding the NSB. These include the little-studied but volumetrically significant Voizel suite gneisses. Results show that intra-NSB fold belt rocks of the Central Tonalitic Gneiss (CTG) preserve mainly ca. 3650 Ma zircons. Beyond the NSB, the Voizel gneisses – previously considered contemporaneous with the CTG – are instead about 100 Myr younger (~3550 Ma). Tonalitic (ortho)gneisses at the margin of the NSB were previously assigned a ca. 3650 Ma age, and the surrounding Boizard suite gneisses may be about 2700 Ma. We find the Boizard rocks contain inherited zircon cores up to ca. 3700 Ma, with younger overgrowths dated at ca. 2700 Ma. A tonalitic gneiss that transects another highly deformed supracrustal enclave north of the NSB – dubbed the Ukaliq Supracrustal Belt – yields maximum concordant zircon ages of 3653 ± 16 Ma (2σ). Detrital zircons from Ukaliq and Nuvvuagittuq quartzites and quartz-biotite schists define a maximum age of ca. 3780 Ma. No indication of UPb zircon ages older than about 3800 Ma exist in this terrane from our geochronological surveys. New reconnaissance sampling of gneisses to the west of the NSB fold belt yielded more zircon-bearing rocks with ages of ca. 3760 Ma. This discovery of more pre-3700 Ma rocks beyond the NSB outcrops calls attention to the existence of hitherto unidentified but widespread scattered occurrences of Eoarchean and Paleoarchean rocks throughout the region.

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