
The pandemic has been a wake-up call for a lot of people, causing us to reevaluate our lives and our careers. It’s natural to think: “If I’m going to spend so much time at work, I might as well do something I’m passionate about.” But there are also benefits to thinking about it differently: Instead of pursuing a career based on your passion, how can you career be a conduit to your passion? Pursuing a passion outside of work can be less risky. And some research suggests transforming hobbies into work can actually undermine your enjoyment of these activities. Instead, look for a job that will give you the resources - time, money, and energy - to pursue your passion. If time is your scarcest resource, look for a job that offers schedule flexibility so that you can structure your work around your passions. If money is the issue, look for a job that allows you to pay for the life you want to lead. When it comes to energy, don’t think of your passion as something that provides fuel to energize you for work. Instead, look at your job as giving you the security and income to pursue your passion.

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