
Here, the unresolved question of why single-chain nanoparticles (SCNPs) prepared from a weak polyelectrolyte (PE) precursor can be synthesized on a large is addresses, unlike SCNPs obtained from an equivalent neutral (nonamphiphilic) polymer precursor. The combination of the standard elastic single-chain nanoparticles (ESN) model -developed for neutral chains- with the classical scaling theory of PE solutions provides the key. Essentially, the long-range repulsion between electrostatic blobs in a weak PE precursor restricts the cross-linking process during SCNPs formation to the interior of each blob. Consequently, the maximum concentration at which PE-SCNPs can be prepared without interchain cross-linking is not determined by the full size of the PE precursor but, instead, by the smaller size of its electrostatic blobs. Therefore, PE-SCNPs can be synthesized up to a critical concentration where electrostatic blobs from different chains touch each other. This concentration can be 30 times higher than that for non-PE polymer precursors. Upon progressive dilution, the size of PE-SCNPs synthesized in concentrated solution increases until it reaches the bigger size of PE-SCNPs prepared under highly diluted conditions. PE-SCNPs do not adopt a globular conformation either in concentrated or in diluted solution. It shows that the main model predictions agree with experimental results.

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