We tested several alternative hypotheses about the function of scent marking by the North American river otter, Lontra canadensis. Otters may mark at latrine sites with spraints (faeces) to (1) signal species identity, (2) advertise their reproductive status, (3) establish and maintain territories, and (4) communicate social status and identity to group members. Olfactory preference tests were conducted at the Alaska Sealife Center in Seward, Alaska, on a group of 15 wild-caught male otters in February 1999. We found that male otters investigated otter scent more than sealion faeces. The male otters also showed a preference for male scent over the scent of anoestrous females. No preference for the scent of unfamiliar males, compared with the scent of familiar males, was observed, and no preference for the scent of close kin was detected. However, an investigation of dominant relationships of the captive otters showed that dominant males spent more time investigating male scent than did subordinate males. Thus, spraints deposited at latrine sites may function to communicate social status of males.
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