
This short note is a belated answer to a request from David Rogers and Antony Allison. Some ten years ago they told me that they had discovered two copies of a hitherto-unknown passio of Bishop Conor O’Devany which had been published as a small quarto volume of twelve folios two years after his martyrdom. This is the Martyrium Rmi. D. F. Cornelii Dovenii, Dunensis et Connerensis episcopi, ex Seraphica D. Francisci Reg. Observant. familia assumpti, et R. D. Patritii Luchrani, Presbyteri, Dublinii in Hybernia, sub Arthuro Chichestriensi Prorege Anno M.D.CXII. 1. Februarii Dublinii faeliciter consummatum, Coloniae Agrippinae, excudebat Arnoldus Kempensis, 1614. I examined the copy preserved among the rare books in the British Library in London (shelf number G 5546). In addition to this and the copy in the Bibliothèque Mazarine in Paris, four other copies have been traced by them in recent years.

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