
As regulators seek to keep up with the sheer pace of tech change in the AI space, it is likely that we will see a shift from high-level principles to concrete public policy with the public sector first. However, as is to be expected, the idea of self-regulation in technology-by-technology companies poses the obvious issues minimally presenting an earnest conflict of interest within the very process of legislation. Influential tech company voices in discussions related to AI regulations can't be privileged over the rest of society's needs or concerns. AI is revolutionizing various aspects of society, including employment and political campaigns but it does pose certain risks. As a result, policymakers are in a hurry to safeguard the public from AI-related risks while ensuring that innovation remains unhampered. The need to foresee additional regulation in this space is important for deploying AI in operations in all industries. The AI community, specifically, ought to adopt a proactive approach in advocating for the responsible and intelligent utilization of these technologies.

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