
Change takes time to be first understood and accepted. Also, as we know necessity is the mother of invention thus the necessity to save our Mother Earth has started its role to draw the attention of us to invent some new ways to save it, if we and our coming generations have to survive with peace and happiness. Scientists and technologists are trying to invent new ways to save the natural resources available on the earth. The medical science is trying to invent medicines and methodologies to cure diseases, which are directly or indirectly emerged as a consequence of urbanization, modernization and industrialization. Being a teacher, generally I try to make my students understand that to find an optimal solution one must understand the problem in its entirety. Therefore if we give due consideration to understand and define the problem, it becomes easier to find and implement the best possible solutions. As an intelligent fool can make things more complex and difficulty to resolve, knowingly or unknowingly, we have also applied the same course of action to handle and deal with the century’s one of the biggest threats and a challenge, Global Warming. To save mother earth, we should take some initiatives at grass root level. As we are already trying to find the cure for the problems caused by the global warming and other environment related issues, let us try to work on some preventive measures against futuristic environment related problems.

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