
Autism and AD(H)D are classifi ed as neurobiological developmental disorders and are associated with peculiarities in behavior and information processing. Distinguishing between the two behaviors is not always easy because the expression can be similar. This whitepaper has been developed to support diagnosticians in differentiating between autism and AD(H)D and recognizing the combination of the two. We also aim to provide information to people with autism and/or ADHD and the people close to them, so that they better understand why a certain diagnosis has (not) been made. This white paper is part of a series being developed at the Autism Expertise Center. The white papers explain, for each diagnostic criterion, the difference between autism and another diagnosis and when the two go together. To this end, we always collaborate with experts from the country in order to gather up-to-date and relevant knowledge. The ultimate objective is to improve healthcare in the Netherlands.

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