
White spot lesions (WSL) are demineralizations of the enamel found on the tooth surfaces. WSL are considered incipient non-cavitated caries caused by bacterial plaque activity. Subjects with malocclusion such as dental crowding and fixed orthodontic appliances have a greater number of retention sites and consequently difficulty in cleaning and greater predisposition to caries. In fact, WSL are a frequent side effect of orthodontic fixed treatments. The prevention and resolution of this problem is the goal of any orthodontist because untreated WSL can lead to the formation of deeper dental caries and restorative treatment with consequent compromise of patient satisfaction with the aesthetic result obtained at the end of the orthodontic treatment. This review is intended not only for orthodontists but also for general and pediatric dentists who want to learn how to correctly prevent, and treat this unsightly problem. On the market there are many products sold to achieve this goal, some of them can be managed independently by the patient at home, others require the intervention of the dentist. The purpose of this literature review is to understand how these substances work, to identify with which of the currently most widespread the best results have been obtained and then to provide useful information to guide the clinician in choosing the most suitable one for the patient.

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