<h3>Objective:</h3> NA <h3>Background:</h3> Creutzfeldt Jakob disease (CJD) is a rare and fatal neurodegenerative disorder of unclear etiology. Presentation include myoclonic jerks, visual disturbances, pyramidal/extrapyramidal signs and rapidly progressive cognitive decline. Visual symptoms are a common manifestation of CJD. Here we present a case of progressive vision loss initially attributed to cataract with eventual diagnosis of CJD. <h3>Design/Methods:</h3> Patient is a 75-year-old woman with history of osteoporosis, dyslipidemia, and arthritis presented to the emergency (ED) with bilateral vision loss and cognitive decline. Symptoms started 8 weeks prior presentation with progressive vision loss and difficulty recognizing color and shapes. She also had intermittent horizontal diplopia. Patient was initially evaluated by an ophthalmologist where vision loss was attributed to cataract and underwent bilateral cataract extraction with no improvement in vision. Vision loss worsened and she became unable to recognize familiar faces or identify objects, and had recurrent falls. She suffered visual hallucination, progressive abnormal body posturing, memory loss, dysphagia and severe dysarthria. On her exam she was noted to be mute, unable to follow commands, and had stimulus induced myoclonic jerks of limbs. CXR, urine analysis, urine and blood cultures, and urine drug screen were all unrevealing. Serum and CSF paraneoplastic panel were negative. EEG showed absence of the posterior dominant rhythm. Brain MRI demonstrated cortical ribbon sign and hyperintensities of basal ganglia (image 1). CSF Rt-Quic was indeterminate. Given the history, exam and MRI findings, she was diagnosed with Heidenhain variant of CJD and passed away shortly after transfer to inpatient hospice. <h3>Results:</h3> NA <h3>Conclusions:</h3> CJD can present with isolated visual symptoms that precede cognitive decline by weeks. Detailed history and careful exam are essential for early diagnosis as this will allow patients and their families to prepare for the expected disease course, consider goals of care, and possibly have palliative care if desired. <b>Disclosure:</b> Dr. Abusamra has nothing to disclose. Dr. Ali has nothing to disclose. Dr. Sudhakar has nothing to disclose.
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