
1. What We Do When Things Go Wrong Charles F. Hermann 2. Responding to Adverse Feedback: Group Decision-Making In Protracted Foreign Policy Problems Charles F. Hermann and Robert S. Billings 3. From Anticipated Victory to Sensing Entrapment in Vietnam: Group Efficacy in the LBJ Administration Charles F. Hermann 4. The Role of Leaders in Sequential Decision-Making: Lyndon Johnson, Advisory Dynamics and Vietnam Thomas Preston 5. Policy Commitment and Resistance to Change in U.S.-Chinese Relations: The George H.W. Bush Administration's Response to Tiananmen Square Jean A. Garrison 6. The British Strategy of Appeasement: Why Britain Persisted in the Face of Negative Feedback Stephen G. Walker, Mark Schafer and Gregory Marfleet 7. Applying Control Theory to Sequential Foreign Policy Decision-Making Jeffrey B. Vancouver 8. Dealing with Adverse Feedback Charles F. Hermann

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