
Selection hyper-heuristics (HHs) are automated algorithm selection methodologies that choose between different heuristics during the optimisation process. Recently, selection HHs choosing between a collection of elitist randomised local search heuristics with different neighbourhood sizes have been shown to optimise standard unimodal benchmark functions from evolutionary computation in the optimal expected runtime achievable with the available low-level heuristics. In this paper, we extend our understanding of the performance of HHs to the domain of multimodal optimisation by considering a Move Acceptance HH (MAHH) from the literature that can switch between elitist and non-elitist heuristics during the run. In essence, MAHH is a non-elitist search heuristic that differs from other search heuristics in the source of non-elitism.We first identify the range of parameters that allow MAHH to hillclimb efficiently and prove that it can optimise the standard hillclimbing benchmark function OneMax in the best expected asymptotic time achievable by unbiased mutation-based randomised search heuristics. Afterwards, we use standard multimodal benchmark functions to highlight function characteristics where MAHH outperforms elitist evolutionary algorithms and the well-known Metropolis non-elitist algorithm by quickly escaping local optima, and ones where it does not. Since MAHH is essentially a non-elitist random local search heuristic, the paper is of independent interest to researchers in the fields of artificial intelligence and randomised search heuristics.

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