
Wheelchair is one of commonly equipment used for people wiht physical disabilities to perform activities, while to moving the wheelcair still using human power. At this paper researcher propose to make wheelchair robot, and to moving control using flex sensor glove. At this system used two controller, master and slave. where using bluetooth to communicated with the other. Flex sensor glove are paired at user hand, the sensor data from user hand will sent to slave controller using bluetooth, data will recived by slave bluetooth controller. The slave controller will processed data recived to giving command the motor driver to moved electric wheelcahair. For example to move the wheelchair forward, using position command of index finger is open and other finger is closed. From this process generate value of data is “F” (To command Forward), the data send to controller slave and will giving command wheelchair to moved foward. The system result of wheelchais robot movement test using flex sensor glove is 83,3% success rate.

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