
The application of nitrogen (N) at the appropriate time can be effective for crop productivity, changing the grain yield by increasing yield components. Thus, new alternatives that enable a better application of N fertilizer are sought. The aim of this study was to evaluate the components of yield and productivity of wheat cultivated with different doses of N sidedressing and molybdenum (Mo) via leaf application, using two cultivars, CD 150 and Quartzo. The experiment was conducted in the crop years of 2013 and 2014. The experiment used a randomized, factorial 4 x 4 block design, with four replicates. Four doses of N sidedressing in the form of urea were applied (0, 30, 60, and 90 kg ha-1) during tillering. In the same period, leaf molybdic fertilizer was applied, using four dosages of Mo in the form of potassium molybdate (0, 20, 40, and 60 g ha-1). Grain number per ear (GNPE), 1,000-grain mass (TGM), hectoliter weight (HW), and grain productivity (PROD) were evaluated. N fertilizer sidedressing did not promote the yield components of either of the wheat cultivars, although the GNPE of the Quartzo cultivar increased with increasing N doses in both crop years. The increase in N fertilizer increased the PROD of both wheat cultivars. The foliar application of Mo did not promote the yield components or wheat PROD of either cultivar. The HW was influenced by N and Mo rates, and was reduced in the absence of either of these fertilizer elements, indicating that the two nutrients were dependent on each other.

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