
Workplace fun has been taken as non supportive in organizaitons, however, happy and satisfied workers play a critical role in the success of the organizations. The fun at workplace enables the employees to remain calm and exert more effort in the performance of their tasks. Thus, the main objective of the research is to examine the effects of workplace fun on individual workplace outcomes. The extensive literature studied in the field of workplace fun and performance of employees, but the gap has found that how it affects on the employee’s work behavior outcomes. Therefore, it empirically examines the impact of workplace fun on job satisfaction, task performance and organization citizenship behavior of employees. Thirty four (34) item questionnaires were designed with five point Likert scale, which were distributed to the employees who had been working in the oil and gas companies. The convenience sampling technique was used that enable to get 216 effective responses. The key finding of this study is that workplace fun more positively on task performance as compared to job satisfaction and organization citizenship of employees. This study provides the platform for HR professionals that they should develop such an amusing and entertaining environment at work place through which employees love to do the work. This study also provides the new road map for further research: role of management, cultural issues, and parental status of employees can be considered for a future as a moderating variable.

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