
On the background of the successful development of cervicalgia in Russia, certain historical periods are investigated still insufficiently. Such periods include the end of 19 - beginning of 20 centuries due to the fact that at the end of 19 century, only began the process of establishing service as a special sphere of economic life. The weak development of the service was due to the long existence of serfdom, the late accession of Russia to the path of capitalist development. The development of Russia in the catch-up model effect on services. Among the major reasons for the gap should include the geographical position of Russia, the climatic conditions, the length and the lack of roads, poverty and the indifferent attitude of the state towards the service. In the 90-900 years in connection with rapid development of the industry begins to develop and service. However, simultaneous development of light and heavy industry slowed the development of the sphere of trade and services. Even in the conditions of the Stolypin reforms and resettlement to the Urals more than 3 million man, the state and all levels of government remained indifferent to the demands of immigrants for services. This has affected the ruin of hundreds of thousands of peasants, the growth of anger and social tension, which resulted in the upheaval of 1917 and the civil war.

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