An assessment on wetland type, floristic characteristics and ecosystem services of Asarama - Adoni in Rivers State, Niger Delta was carried out based on seasonal variation. Systematic stratified Wetland Ecosystem Dynamic Plots (WEDP) and Participatory Research (Focused Group Discussion and Key Informant Interview) techniques were adopted. Result revealed five wetland habitat types viz: mangrove, mudflat, Nypa, estuary and fresh water forest habitats. The most prevalent wetland ecosystem was the Nypa habitat. Across the wetland habitat types were five major species under three families viz; Rhizophora racemosa, Rhizophora mangle, and Rhizophora harrizonii (Rhizophoraceae), Aviccennia germinans (Avicenniaceae) and Laguncularia racemosa (Combretaceae). Paspalum vaginatum and Conocarpus erectus was the dominant among associated species on the shoreline. Species compositions of sampled stations were recorded in both seasons with the highest (760) at station 3 and least (100) individual at station 5. Highest dominance (1.00) at station 5, Simpson dominance (0.83), Shannon-Wienner diversity richness (2.00) as well as Margalef richness (1.36) and equitability richness (0.85) at station 3 were recorded with variation among stations in both season. Three floristic ecotype: fringe, riverine and scrub mangrove forests in the mangrove wetland were recorded amidst the ravaging invasive Nypa palm encroachment. Land use ecology and ecosystem services revealed value chains of ecosystem provisioning, ecological regulation, socio-cultural and habitat supporting among the inhabitant of Asarama people. It therefore becomes imperative for conservation prioritization of the area in order to stabilize the ecosystem dynamics and protect the wetland from the influence of biotic and abiotic drivers of change.
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