
Abstract Insecticides were aerially applied to center pivot irrigated field corn in southwestern Nebraska. Plots were 150 m by 40 rows (0.75 m rows) arranged in a randomized block design with 2 replications in 1981 and 4 replications in 1982. Pretreatment western bean cutworm (WBC) larvae counts were made on 10 plants/plot Jul 21, 27, and Aug 2, 1981. These counts averaged 16.30 WBC/plant with no significant differences among treatments. Insecticides were applied Aug 3, 1981. In 1982, pretreatment counts were made on 10 plants/plot Aug 5 (average infestation was 6.41 WBC/plant; no significant differences among treatments). Insecticides were applied Aug 9. Post application (treatment) counts were taken Aug 11, 18, 1981 and Aug 18, 27, 1982

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