
We study the pattern of interpersonal alliances typical of depressive symptoms by means of the Core Conflictual Relationship Theme (CCRT) method. In an exploratory manner we examine which CCRT-coded wishes, perceived responses from the other and associated responses of the self predict the magnitude of a score on the Beck Depression Inventory-II. Interview data from 31 mental health patients were coded (CCRT expanded standard categories system). Relations between the CCRT categories and the dependent variable were examined by combining 1000-fold forward stepwise regression analyses, and multiple regression analyses in which confidence intervals were estimated with the bootstrap technique. Three CCRT categories that jointly explain more than half of the variance were selected: diminished levels of the wish to be understood, and elevated levels of disliking others and of feeling helpless. The results and implications for psychotherapy are discussed within a psychoanalytic context. Suggestions for further research are indicated.

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