
Internet of Things (IoT) is considered very widely spread in these days application and technology, which means a huge amount of data will need to be exchanged between devices and applications domains., For example, a weather application needs to communicate with a traffic application. Data between both applications need to be interpreted and to be interoperable in both applications. These applications are based on domain-specific, which means there is no domain interoperability. As a result, some developers and users took the web approach to find an easy solution that can be offered from the web itself, which leads to the Web of Things (WoT). But as with most recommendations in the web community, if data interoperability is needed as part of your implementation, you need to use Semantic Web as an approach that leads to a combined approach called Semantic Web of Things (SWoT). However, not every developer and user are having experience with Semantic Web standards such as RDF, Turtle, RDF/XML, SPARQL, OWL, etc. This paper proposes WOTJD for WoT using JavaScript Object Notation Linked Data (JSON-LD). WOTJD helps IoT users to overcome the main challenges of data interoperability in WOT by helping in (1) Design and integrate WOT applications, (2) IoT data parsing and annotation, and (3) Linking domains with each other (by using domain knowledge expertise), A case study of solving interoperability between smart cars and weather domain through a mobile application is presented, and performance evaluation has been performed, Experimental results show how fast is WOTJD framework against the sensor data size.

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