
More than a decade ago, the academic community has started the continuously esca­lating debate trying to ascertain whether commercial databases sufficiently reflect researcher ac­tivities undertaken in various fields of science and whether publications outside such databases were worthless. These long discussions gave rise to rapidly developing and improving open access databases, such as Google Scholar , Scirus , Microsoft Academic Search and etc. The article presents a research that aims to compare scientometric indicators on researchers of different scientific fields derived from free access databases with those supplied by the globally recognised Web of Science , and to ascertain the differences between the two. With consent of well-known Lithuanian profes­sors, habilitated doctors, their indicators were collected and presented in this article. The afore­mentioned professors represent four scientific fields: educology, physics, engineering and economi­cs. As the research revealed that some Lithuanian physicists have same family names as well as first names, indicators of a young doctor of physics were supplied for comparison. The article compares the researcher indicators collected from the Web of Science with those retrieved with the help of Pu­blish or Perish software. This free access and easy to install software draws on Google Scholar data to calculate and produce a wealth of indicators, such as: the number of papers; variety of citations: average per year, per author and etc.; h -index and its variations, and etc. According to creator of Publish or Perish software Anne-Wil Harzing, all these indicators are useful for researchers as they help choosing the best way to present dissemination of their papers and ideas as well as input into development of global science, required while submitting various applications and etc. Results of the research confirmed the broadly used argument that more papers in the field of social sciences can be found with the help of Google Scholar rather than Web of Science , consequently, indicators produced by Publish or Perish are better. Article in Lithuanian

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