
This section addresses some of the most fundamental themes of Web Engineering. In the context of identification and promotion of Web Engineering as a new discipline for the development of Web-based systems and applications, several questions naturally arise: What is Web Engineering? What is its place among all the other disciplines? Why is it being put forward as a new discipline? When is it needed? Is there an illustrative case study that would highlight the arguments?The three papers in this section answer these questions. The first two papers originate from the early exposure of the authors to Web developmental activities, which helped to define the field of Web Engineering and to bring a focus on areas that are not regarded as part of the traditional domains of computer science, information systems and software engineering. The third paper reports on the development of Web sites and Web-based applications that were undertaken consciously after most of the arguments for Web Engineering had been articulated earlier by the first two papers.KeywordsSoftware EngineeringEarly ExposurePaper ReportFundamental ThemeIllustrative Case StudyThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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