
The library is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the field of the modern education system. The advancement of information technology leads libraries and resources center to adopt the IT environment to reach and build the targeted users. The content is widely used in our day-to-day life, now in the digital era, web content is widely spread over the website. The Library field also transforms its content into web content. The present study is to assess the web content and design trend of agricultural university library websites in the state of Gujarat. A checklist was designed for the data collection and for evaluating library websites based on referred literature. The study tries to evaluate the content of the agricultural university library of Gujarat state in response to basic information, physical and electronic resources, E-learning platform, Services, Value-based services, and web 2.0 services. The library web pages/websites must be maintained regularly and updated. This will make the demand for the library web pages among the users.

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