
This research aims to present the concept of wear monitoring of amorphous carbon (a-C) films through luminescence from a wear sensing layer embedded between a-C film and substrate. Fabrication and characterisation of the coatings are also presented. The wear sensing layer consists of luminescent ZnS:Cu powder dispersed in epoxy resin (EP/ZnS:Cu) coating. The a-C films are deposited onto EP/ZnS:Cu coatings by sublimation of fullerenes (C60) in electron beam excited plasma (EBEP) method and pulsed vacuum arc deposition (VAD) method. The results show that the EP/ZnS:Cu coatings exhibit the green luminescence when irradiated with the UV light. After deposition of a-C films, the luminescence from the EP/ZnS:Cu coating is undetected. A ball-on-disk friction test is carried out not only to examine the coefficient of friction, but also generate the wear track on the a-C films. It is found that after the friction test, the a-C films deposited by EBEP method are completely worn out and the luminescence from the EP/ZnS:Cu can be redetected. In contrast, the a-C film deposited by VAD is durable and is not worn out, therefore the luminescence from the EP/ZnS:Cu cannot be re-detected.

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