
Young's modulusE of the particle material in the standing wave model of the stable elementary particles has been investigated using an exact analogy to Born's model of cubic crystals. The potential of the weak neutral force which holds the particles together has been determined using the known compression modulus of the nucleon and the known range of the weak nuclear force. It has been found that the attractive and repulsive terms in the potential are very nearly equal. From the size of the nucleon and the range of the weak force follows the number of lattice points in the particle, and consequently the mass of the lattice points. It appears that the lattice is made up of neutrinos and antineutrinos. The strong force that acts over short distances between two separate particles has been studied in analogy to the investigation of Born and Stern of the surface energy of crystals. It follows that Young's modulusE of the particle material is proportional to the strong force that emanates from the surface of cubic crystals. In our model the strong attractive force between two particles results from all unsaturated weak forces at the surface of the crystal lattice.

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