For some real-world color searches, the target colors are not precisely known, and any item within a range of color values should be attended. Thus, a target representation that captures multiple similar colors would be advantageous. If such a multicolor search is possible, then search for two targets (e.g., Stroud, Menneer, Cave, and Donnelly, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 38(1): 113-122, 2012) might be guided by a target representation that included the target colors as well as the continuum of colors that fall between the targets within a contiguous region in color space. Results from Stroud, Menneer, Cave, and Donnelly, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 38(1): 113-122, (2012) suggest otherwise, however. The current set of experiments show that guidance for a set of colors that are all from a single region of color space can be reasonably effective if targets are depicted as specific discrete colors. Specifically, Experiments 1-3 demonstrate that a search can be guided by four and even eight colors given the appropriate conditions. However, Experiment 5 gives evidence that guidance is sometimes sensitive to how informative the target preview is to search. Experiments 6 and 7 show that a stimulus showing a continuous range of target colors is not translated into a search target representation. Thus, search can be guided by multiple discrete colors that are from a single region in color space, but this approach was not adopted in a search for two targets with intervening distractor colors.
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