
Introduction The aim of the study was to assess influence of early realimentation with dietary foodstuff Humana HN+ in infants and children younger than 2 years with acute diarrhoea. Material and methods The study included 100 children aged from 1 to 24 months that were admitted to the Department of Paediatrics, Allergology and Gastroenterology in Bydgoszcz due to acute infectious diarrhoea. Children with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and those with allergy to cow's milk proteins were excluded from the study. According to randomization patients were involved into one of two groups, each contained 50 children. The study group that underwent realimentation with dietary foodstuff Humana HN+ with prebiotic and the control group that did not receive Humana HN+. Results Analyse regarding number of stools with abnormal consistency within 24 hours showed that it was greater in the study group. Application of Humana HN+ caused decreased number of pathological stools during the third day. Also fever withdrawal, decreased intensity of abdominal pains and vomiting and no pathological additives such as mucus, pus or blood were noted in children who use Humana HN+. It was revealed that energetic deficiencies statistically significantly more often occurred during first day in the study group, but after 3 days of realimentation with Humana HN+ the percentage of patients with energetic deficiencies decreased. Diarrhoea was present in 100% of children from both groups during first day of observation. The percentage of patients with clinical improvement was higher after 3 days of treatment in the children who were realimented with Humana HN+ in comparison with the control group. Analysing organism's dehydration state during first day of observation, it was stated that dehydration occurred significantly statistically more often in the study group than in comparative group. However, the percentage of patients with symptoms of dehydration was decreased as a result of Humana HN+ application. Conclusions Early realimentation with Humana HN+ and prebiotic shortens duration of diarrhoea, prevents body mass deficiencies, shortens duration of dehydration, fever, abdominal pains, vomiting and occurrence of pathological additives in the stool.

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