
The article is devoted to the analysis and development of effective ways to protect violated rights in the context of widespread use of dipfakes, which is especially relevant for Ukraine in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and in the context of globalization of digital communications. The article focuses on the challenges faced by the legal system due to the use of dipfaces to manipulate public opinion, undermine the authority of state institutions and individuals, and the problems of using this technology for commercial purposes. The purpose of the article is to highlight the issue of diphoning in the context of rights violation, and also to propose specific ways to address it, which is a relevant contribution to the development of legal science and practice of rights protection in the digital era. The article applies a comprehensive research approach which combines the analysis of legal acts to identify the existing legislative framework and its adequacy in the context of digital rights, comparative analysis to compare Ukrainian and international experience in regulating digital technologies, and case studies to specify examples of the use of digital rights and their impact on society and individuals. The use of these methods allowed us to analyze the issue in depth, identify key challenges, and propose effective ways to protect violated rights. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the current state of Ukrainian legislation on digital technologies and information security, and to the identification of gaps that do not allow for effective counteraction to abuses in the field of creation and distribution of digital files. The article aims to identify the key areas of legal reforms necessary to strengthen the protection of individual and collective rights in the context of digital challenges. The study covers international experience and practices of digital space regulation, in particular in countries with developed legal systems in this area, such as the United States, Australia, and Germany. This will allow us to compare and adapt the best international practices to the Ukrainian context.

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